More examples of 3D artwork on my Artstation page:
I use 3D softwares in my everyday work with illustrations and concept art. My main tool is Blender, I’m a certified BIACT trainer (Blender Italia Association Certified Trainer). My other 3D tools are ZBrush, 3DCoat, Unreal Engine, Substance Painter, Daz Studio and SketchUp.
I also model and sculpt in VR packages, particularly Gravity Sketch and Adobe Medium. I also develop 3D content for web, using WebGL and Three.js.
In this page there are just some examples, more of my 3D work in my ArtStation page (link in the blue area above or in the top social media icons bar).
Uso software 3D nel mio lavoro quotidiano di illustrazione e concept art. Il mio strumento principale è Blender, e sono un istruttore certificato BIACT (Blender Italia Association Certified Trainer). Altri stumenti che utilizzo sono ZBrush, 3DCoat, Unreal Engine, Substance Painter, Daz Studio e Sketchup.
Utilizzo anche la realtà virtuale (VR) per la scultura e modellazione 3D, in particolare Gravity Sketch e Adobe Medium. Sono anche sviluppatore di contenuti 3D per il web con WebGL e Three.js.
In questa pagina alcuni esempi, molti altri lavori in 3D sono sulla mia pagina ArtStation (link nell’area azzurra qui sopra)
Yahnna, character from Dragonero
Model before posing 3D resin print Character design from 3D render
These are some video clips of mixed 3d works
Guardie del pianto rosso (Red Weeping Guards), 3D character for “Dragonero” series
Interior design of the Throne Hall (Dragonero)
Griffin Head 3D study and print
Concepts of spaceships, some of them for my Blender tutorial (see the trailer)
Other examples of 3D artwork on my Artstation page: